What’s on

Events at the Sheffield Botanical Gardens

Some of these events are run by other organisations so please check the event details on their websites prior to travel.

  • Sheffield Botanical Gardens will be closed to the public to host events as follows:

    15th June Gardens will close at 5.45pm for Theatre in the Gardens

    3rd & 15th August Gardens will close at 5.45pm for Theatre in the Gardens

    5th-8th September Gardens will be closed to the public for Art in the Gardens

    Pedestrian Access for patrons of the Dorothy Fox Education Centre will be via Thompson Road Entrance.

    (Authorised Vehicle drop offs only)

    Sheffield City Council apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

    For further information please email


Filtering by: “Talks”

A Gardens' Trip Down Memory Lane

A Gardens' Trip Down Memory Lane

Using previously unseen slides from a private collection, FOBS Gardens historian Alison Hunter will examine the more recent history of the Gardens, including the National Heritage Lottery funded restoration project and the role of the various partners who are responsible for the ongoing development and maintenance of the Gardens.

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