What’s on

Events at the Sheffield Botanical Gardens

Some of these events are run by other organisations so please check the event details on their websites prior to travel.

  • Sheffield Botanical Gardens will be closed to the public to host events as follows:

    15th June Gardens will close at 5.45pm for Theatre in the Gardens

    3rd & 15th August Gardens will close at 5.45pm for Theatre in the Gardens

    5th-8th September Gardens will be closed to the public for Art in the Gardens

    Pedestrian Access for patrons of the Dorothy Fox Education Centre will be via Thompson Road Entrance.

    (Authorised Vehicle drop offs only)

    Sheffield City Council apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

    For further information please email


Filtering by: “Children”



A family-friendly FREE event celebrating the wonder of trees and woodlands at Sheffield Botanical Gardens. Events include; kids’ outdoor forest school activities, indoor crafts, adult wood craft stalls and guided tree walks and talks. Friends of Sheffield Botanical Gardens will be holding a plant sale as part of the event.

All activities for the event will take place at the Thompson Road entrance side of the Gardens S11 8RB.

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Save Sheffield Wildlife (RSPB)

Save Sheffield Wildlife (RSPB)

‘Save Sheffield Wildlife’ is a RSPB event as part of the Great Big Green Week. It is FREE and open to all. Join us to learn about the decline in our precious wildlife and what you can do to help. There will be activities for children (or adults) to show Sheffield's support for protecting wildlife. Wildflower seeds will be given away to get you started on creating your own wild garden.

Location: Dorothy Fox Education Centre, Sheffield Botanical Gardens, S11 8RB

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Theatre in the Gardens: The War of the Worlds

Theatre in the Gardens: The War of the Worlds

Outdoor theatre, suitable for all ages. The critically-acclaimed Pantaloons invade the stage in this funny yet faithful open-air adaptation of H G Wells sci-fi classic as they use musical instruments, puppetry and, um, enthusiasm to recreate deadly heat-rays, giant fighting-machines, squidgy tentacled Martians and interplanetary warfare on an epic scale.

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