Visit to Marnock’s Home
Marnock lived in Rusthall, near Tunbridge Wells, with his wife Anne, in the mid-1870s. He enlarged the house and redesigned the gardens.
The plaque commemorating Marnock’s time at the house in Rusthall. Photograph (c) Chris Hughes.
The current owners of the house kindly agreed to a visit by the Friends of Dunorlan Park and Grosvenor & Hilbert Park, two Marnock designs in Tunbridge Wells, as part of the Marnock celebrations.
The house in Rusthall today. Photograph (c) Chris Hughes.
Although some of the garden has been sold off for development since Marnock’s time, the visit at the end of May still proved fascinating. The owners shared a roll of papers showing Marnock’s original garden layout, and the visitors were able to spot features in the garden that tied in with the plan.
Some of the papers being examined. Photograph (c) Clare Kelly.
Looking for signs of Marnock’s design in the garden today. Photographs (c) Clare Kelly.
We’re very grateful to the owners for opening their garden, and for the report and photographs from members of the two Friends groups.
Further Marnock events are being planned in Tunbridge Wells over the summer. You’ll find details in our Events Programme.