The Wonder of Urban Plants
How much do you know about the benefits of plants in the urban environment? Use these resources to learn all about how plants can be used in our towns and cities to help with the impacts of climate change. These resources have been developed for home-schoolers, KS1 and KS2 students.
These resources have been produced through a partnership between the Department of Landscape Architecture at the University of Sheffield and the Sheffield Botanical Gardens. We hope they inspire you to see urban plants in a new light!
Below are a range of information and activity PDFs that can be explored in gardens, urban greenspaces, classrooms, or at home. There are also a set of nature challenges to help plants in your local area! Why not share your adventures with us? #TheWonderofUrbanPlants
The Wonder of Urban Plants Activity Ideas
What is Biodiversity? Reflection Activity
Green Wall Activity Urban Plant Bingo
How Do Plants Make You Feel? Temperature Comparison
Pollution Catcher Water and Plants
Safety reminder - do these activities with an adult, Leave everything as you found it. Do not eat anything you pick up outside and wash your hands after picking things up. Stick to paths and mown grass areas in urban greenspaces.